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Kenworth the T680
June 1, 2017 - 9:13:32 am


The T680 has been on the road for approximately 5 years. Following are a few thoughts from our dealership on this wonderful truck. We at Wallwork believe this is the highest quality model Kenworth has ever released.

The cab is constructed from a variety of materials with each selected for long life and to eliminate cab noises such as wind noise and squeaks and rattles. The robotic constructions process means assembly is done the same time after time. Our 3 piece hood makes for easier, less costly, repairs, if they are needed.

Drivers like the wide cab, 83″ as opposed to 75″ on the T660. The wide cab allows for 23″ of space between the seats making for easy entry into the sleeper. A feature liked by lots of our customers is the dash.

Switches are within easy reach and are grouped so the driver has an easy time locating the one he is looking for. The windshield is the largest of any Kenworth model making for great visibility. The large windows in the doors add to this feature, allowing the driver to easily see the traffic around him.

Another visibility feature is the low height at the front of the hood. A T680 hood is 4″ lower than the T660 hood, allowing the driver to see objects close to the front of his truck. Another improvement is the increased storage space in the sleeper. The T680 with a 76″ sleeper has approximately 40% more storage than a T660 with a 72″ sleeper. The swivel table in the sleeper that doubles as a work area and a dinner table is also popular. Add a factory installed refrigerator/freezer and you almost feel at home. If you aren’t familiar with this wonderful truck stop and see one.

Check the Kenworth T660 in our inventory!